Our Medical Centers
About the Transition Program

Our Mission

The primary mission of the University of Montreal's complex epilepsy transition program (TECUM) is to provide an effective and sustainable transition model for adolescents with complex epilepsy from pediatric healthcare to adult healthcare.

Indeed, this transition can be accompanied by concern and uncertainty as it involves changing the medical team and hospital environment. Therefore, it is important for families and patients to have the necessary support during this crucial period of their lives and to have access to appropriate medical and psychosocial resources during this transition period.


Developing maturity and autonomy regarding their medical condition are skills that the program aims to instill in epileptic patients.

Two major hospitals in Montreal, CHUM and CHU St-Justine, work closely together to provide this optimal transition and ensure the excellence of the program for these young adults and their families.

Our History

From the beginning of their careers, Dr. Mark Keezer, neurologist at CHUM, and Dr. Philippe Major, neurologist at CHU Sainte-Justine, have shown a deep interest in the issues related to the transition of patients between pediatric and adult care, a crucial step in their medical journey. Indeed, their collaboration began quickly due to their common interest in a genetic disease, tuberous sclerosis. Between 2017 and 2020, the epilepsy teams at CHU Sainte Justine and CHUM closely collaborated on a transition program focused on creating a personalized educational program, supervised by clinical nurses.

In 2022, Drs. Keezer and Major, with the support of Drs. Dang Nguyen and Ekat Kritikou, obtained a transformative grant from the TD Bank's 'Ready to Act' program. Thanks to this grant, they are now collaborating with a multidisciplinary transition committee to design a new transition program. TECUM, this new program, aims to maximize the use of available technologies to reach as wide an audience as possible. The TECUM program initially started at the University of Montreal but its vision extends to the provincial and national levels.